Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 25 – St Roch des Aulnaies, QC to St Mathieu de Beloeil, QC

We continued our St. Lawrence River exploration along scenic route QC-132, returned to TCH-20 as we approached Quebec City, and continued on TCH-20 to just outside of Montreal.

The Route
We drove 210 miles, mostly on TCH-20. The road was in good condition. It was an easy drive.

Along the River
Here are a few scenes along QC-132.
Church of Saint John the Baptist of
St  Lawrence River at low tide
Marina at Saint-Jean-Port-Joli
Some homes have great views.
There are so many large, ornate churches.
Lots of newer homes appear as we
approach Quebec City.
The St. Lawrence offers great views.

We’ve mentioned the number of large RV sales outlets we’ve seen. There are 1,000s of unsold rigs sitting on their lots. How do they survive?

Access to services along TCH-20 between Quebec City and Montreal proved to be a challenge. We tried multiple exits for a quick lunch. The businesses were overwhelmed with cars, trailers and semi-trucks … there was no parking. We couldn’t get into 3 of 4 fast food places. A McDonalds with a huge parking area saved the day.

Gas prices were consistent on Prince Edward Island at $1.349/L.  We've seen it as low as $1.239/L elsewhere. The highest so far has been $1.379/L ... think $5.59/gallon. 

The Campground
Carol picked another delightful campground out of the air (or her trusty directory). We checked in at Camping Alouette in mid-afternoon.

We think a great experience began when we registered. A young woman, named Annie, performed the check-in. She was professional, courteous, helpful … and she spoke excellent English.

It was raining lightly when we set-up in site #346.

The facilities are neat, clean and well maintained. It's peaceful. Their internet is very fast.

We have a fairly short drive to Ottawa and plan to visit Parliament Hill.

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