Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 20 - LaHave, NS (Day 2)

Fran and Henry gave us a top-flight tour of the area. We went to LaHave, Lunenburg and Mahone Bay.

We took the cable ferry across the LaHave River to East LaHave as a shortcut to Lunenburg.
Dick, Carol, Fran, Henry

We stopped at LaHave Bakery on the way home. It’s very popular and we learned why (no details to follow).
Bakery on the left, dining room on the right
A nice dining room faces the street

Lunenburg is a high-class, lively seaport community. We toured the downtown and had a delightful lunch at Salt Shaker Deli.
The waterfront
Lunenburg Academy
(historical site)
St. John's Anglican Church
St. John's bell ringer
There are lots of colorful Victorian homes.
Bluenose II

Mahone Bay
Mahone Bay is smaller than Lunenburg and a bit less “uppity”. It caters to lots of tourists. We stopped at Amos Pewterers and then toured some of the town on the way home.

These three prominent churches along the harbor have become an iconic image of Nova Scotia.
St. James' Anglican Church (L)
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church (R)
Trinity Unity Church

Silly Fun
Fran & Dick may have invented the next big household accessory. For those who are irritated by bar soap that sits in water and gets gooey … try this. We got a small plastic storage container and a package of plastic hair rollers at the Dollar Store. The rollers provide a base to elevate the soap and allow the water to drain into the container. We’re in the testing phase.
Soap Saver - prototype

We had a wonderful dinner at Fran’s and shared lots of family history.

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